Disaster Relief


Do You Ever Wonder…
What's The Point Of All Of This?

Have you ever wondered why you are here? As humans, we all have this internal notion that knows there is more to life than just merely existing. There’s a longing to be loved and known, and that’s not an accident. In fact, as you look back at history and at other cultures, you find the same longing and all the ways that people try to fill this void.

However, all these ways just leave us empty.

We believe that Jesus is the only way to satisfy our desire for acceptance. We get these ideas from the Bible, which we believe is God’s message to hurting humanity. As you read, allow God to open your heart to His amazing offer of love for you.
There’s a Problem
This love that we are uniquely designed for can only come from God, but there’s a problem. God is perfect, and we are definitely not. We try to be good people, but deep down everyone is full of wrong desires and selfish thoughts. How can we measure up to a perfect God? The Bible describes us like this:

“all have sinned and come short of the glory of God” Romans 3:23

Our sin has separated us from the God who loves us so much both now and for all eternity in a place called Hell - a place where we are rightfully punished for our sins. We are left wanting God, but not knowing how to get into right standing with Him.

Thankfully, God has an answer.
Good News, There’s an Answer
The Bible goes on to say, “the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord” ( Romans 6:23 ). To keep living our lives the way we have been will lead to spiritual death and separation from God forever, but God has given us a gift. Jesus closed the gap between us and God. He took our punishment on the cross, and now He offers a free gift with no strings attached. He didn’t wait for us to get it all together. “God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners” ( Romans 5:8-9 ). Right in the middle of our imperfections and bad choices, Jesus came to earth as a man.

He became well acquainted with the troubles and temptations this world has to offer, and yet He never sinned - not even once. He didn’t stop there - He also laid down His life through death on a cross and rose again after three days to pay the penalty that our sin deserved. He did all the work needed to close the gap between us and God - so now that distance disappears. Our search for love is over! The Bible says it like this, “For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life” ( John 3:16 ).

Jesus is our answer!
It’s a Free Gift
Jesus is our answer, and His offer of love and forgiveness is free. In fact, there’s nothing we can do to earn it. The Bible teaches us that “God saved you by his grace when you believed. And you can’t take credit for this; it is a gift from God. Salvation is not a reward for the good things we have done, so none of us can boast about it” ( Ephesians 2:8-9 ). Grace is good things happening to you that you don’t deserve.

God generously made a way to remove the space that separated us not because we are good, but because He is good. He moved first. His offer of eternal forgiveness and eternal life, along with all of the amazing promises laid out in the Bible, are available to you at no cost because of His great sacrifice ( Colossians 1:14, John 1:12, Romans 8:16-17, 1 John 5:12-13 ). God’s gracious love is free.

Now the choice is yours.
What Will You Do?
What’s your response to this amazing story of grace?

When you accept the gift and when you accept that Jesus took the sin punishment for you, we learn that “to all who believed him and accepted him, he gave the right to become children of God” ( John 1:12 ). God welcomes you into the family once and for all.

You can accept this free gift right now.
It is as easy as praying like this
God, I know that I’m not perfect. I know that I get it wrong a lot, but I now see that you love me anyway. You love me so much that you don’t want me to stay the way I am. You want me to be part of your family. Since I can’t change on my own, you sent Jesus to live, die, and rise again for me. I accept that gift. I want that space between us removed. I want to know your love. Jesus, I accept you as my savior and commit my life to you! ( Romans 10:9 )
That’s It!

You are a part of God’s family. No more separation!

What’s Next?
We are so excited for you! If you have accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior, you are now officially a child of God and have been made new. Your old sinful self has been forgiven, and you are now free to flourish in your new relationship with God. Don't take the journey alone!
  • Gather
    Do life with others through attending church services and being a part of a small group. Find out more here.

  • Grow
    As you get to know God more, you will grow and change like never before. One of the most helpful ways to grow in God is through a consistent lifestyle of Bible reading and prayer. Jesus also tells us to let the world know what has happened on the inside of us by being water baptized. Find out more here.

  • Go
    As Jesus showed us love by serving, He directs us to do the same. There is someone in your world that needs to hear about Him. Find out more here.

We’re Here For You
God never made us to do life alone.

If there is any more that we can do to help you begin your faith journey or you would like to share what God has done in your life, please feel free to contact us.
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Do You Ever Wonder …
What's The Point Of All Of This?

Needless to say, there’s a lot of input on the matter. As humans, we all have this innate, gut notion that knows there is more to life than just merely existing. There’s a longing to be loved, and that’s not an accident. In fact, as you look back at history and other cultures, you find the same longing and all the ways that people try to fill this void.
However, everything is a just band-aid.

We believe that Jesus is the only way to satisfy our desire for acceptance. We get these ideas from the Bible, which we believe is God’s message to hurting humanity. As you read, allow God to open your heart to His amazing offer of love for you.
There’s a Problem
This love that we are uniquely designed for can only come from God, but there’s a problem. God is perfect, and we are definitely not. We try to be good people, but deep down everyone is full of wrong desires and selfish thoughts. How can we measure up to a perfect God? Instantly we recognize there is a dilemma. The Bible describes it like this.

“all have sinned and come short of the glory of God” Romans 3:23

God cannot have sin around Him. Our sin has separated us from the God who loves us so much both now and for all eternity in a place called Hell. We are left in a bleak situation. God requires perfection, and we will never be perfect.

But wait, God has an answer.
Good News, There’s an Answer
The Bible goes on to say, “the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord” ( Romans 6:23 ). To keep living our lives the way we have been will lead to spiritual death and separation from God forever, but that verse also mentioned a gift. Jesus solved our problem in His great love. He closed the gap between Himself and us that was created by our sin. He offered Himself as our answer - a free gift with no strings attached. He didn’t wait for us to get it all together. “God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners” ( Romans 5:8-9 ). Right in the middle of our imperfections and bad choices, Jesus came to earth as a man.

He became well acquainted with the troubles and temptations this world has to offer, and yet He never sinned - not even once. He didn’t stop there - He also laid down His life through death on a cross and rose again after three days to pay the penalty that our sin deserved. He did all the work needed to close the gap between us and God so now that distance disappears. Our search for love is over! The Bible says it like this, “For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life” ( John 3:16 ).

Jesus is our answer!
It’s a Free Gift
Jesus is our answer, and His offer of love and forgiveness is free. In fact, there’s nothing we can bring to the table to earn it. The Bible teaches us that “God saved you by his grace when you believed. And you can’t take credit for this; it is a gift from God. Salvation is not a reward for the good things we have done, so none of us can boast about it” ( Ephesians 2:8-9 ). Grace is good things happening to you that you don’t deserve.

God generously made a way to remove the space that separated us not because we are good, but because He is good. He moved first. His offer of eternal forgiveness and eternal life, along with all of the amazing promises laid out in the Bible, are available to you at no cost because of His great sacrifice ( Colossians 1:14, John 1:12, Romans 8:16-17, 1 John 5:12-13 ). God’s gracious love is free.

Now the choice is yours.
What Will You Do?
What’s your response to this conversation, this story of grace?

When you accept the gift and when you accept that Jesus took the sin punishment for you, we learn that “to all who believed him and accepted him, he gave the right to become children of God” ( John 1:12 ). God welcomes you into the family once and for all.

You can accept this free gift right now.
It is as easy as talking like this to God
God, I know that I’m not perfect. I know that I get it wrong a lot, but I now see that you love me anyway. You love me so much that you don’t want me to stay the way I am. You want me to be part of your family. Since I can’t change on my own, you sent Jesus to live, die, and rise again for me. I accept that gift. I want that space between us removed. I want to know your love. Jesus will you be my Savior? ( Romans 10:9 )
That’s It!

You are a part of God’s family. No more separation!

What’s Next?
We are so excited for you! If you have accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior, you are now officially a child of God and have been made new. Your old sinful self has been forgiven, and you are now free to flourish in your new relationship with God. To help you grow in your faith, we would like to suggest a few ways to equip you for your journey with Him.
  • Gather
    Do life with others through attending church services and being a part of a small group. Find out more here.

  • Grow
    Understanding who He is and living in all that God has for you is critical to your Christian walk. We would suggest to live a consistent lifestyle of reading the Bible and praying. Jesus also tells us to let the world know what has happened on the inside of us by being water baptized. Find out more here.

  • Go
    As Jesus showed us love by serving, He directs us to do the same. There is someone in your world that needs to hear about Him. Find out more here.

We’re Here For You
God never made us to do life alone.

If there is any more that we can do to help you begin your faith journey or you would like to share what God has done in your life, please feel free to contact us.
  • Email:
  • Phone:
    (225) 753-2273
  • Messenger:
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Do You Ever Wonder …


What’s The Point Of All Of This?


Needless to say, there’s a lot of input on the matter. As humans, we all have this innate, gut notion that knows there is more to life than just merely existing. There’s a longing to be loved, and that’s not an accident. In fact, as you look back at history and other cultures, you find the same longing and all the ways that people try to fill this void.


However, everything is a just band-aid.


We believe that Jesus is the only way to satisfy our desire for acceptance. We get these ideas from the Bible, which we believe is God’s message to hurting humanity. As you read, allow God to open your heart to His amazing offer of love for you.

There’s a Problem

This love that we are uniquely designed for can only come from God, but there’s a problem. God is perfect, and we are definitely not. We try to be good people, but deep down everyone is full of wrong desires and selfish thoughts. How can we measure up to a perfect God? Instantly we recognize there is a dilemma. The Bible describes it like this.


“all have sinned and come short of the glory of God” Romans 3:23


God cannot have sin around Him. Our sin has separated us from the God who loves us so much both now and for all eternity in a place called Hell. We are left in a bleak situation. God requires perfection, and we will never be perfect.


But wait, God has an answer,

Good News, There’s an Answer


The Bible goes on to say, “the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord” ( Romans 6:23 ). To keep living our lives the way we have been will lead to spiritual death and separation from God forever, but that verse also mentioned a gift. Jesus solved our problem in His great love. He closed the gap between Himself and us that was created by our sin. He offered Himself as our answer – a free gift with no strings attached. He didn’t wait for us to get it all together. “God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners” ( Romans 5:8-9 ). Right in the middle of our imperfections and bad choices, Jesus came to earth as a man.


He became well acquainted with the troubles and temptations this world has to offer, and yet He never sinned – not even once. He didn’t stop there – He also laid down His life through death on a cross and rose again after three days to pay the penalty that our sin deserved. He did all the work needed to close the gap between us and God so now that distance disappears. Our search for love is over! The Bible says it like this, “For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life” ( John 3:16 ).


Jesus is our answer!

It’s a Free Gift


Jesus is our answer, and His offer of love and forgiveness is free. In fact, there’s nothing we can bring to the table to earn it. The Bible teaches us that “God saved you by his grace when you believed. And you can’t take credit for this; it is a gift from God. Salvation is not a reward for the good things we have done, so none of us can boast about it” ( Ephesians 2:8-9 ). Grace is good things happening to you that you don’t deserve.


God generously made a way to remove the space that separated us not because we are good, but because He is good. He moved first. His offer of eternal forgiveness and eternal life, along with all of the amazing promises laid out in the Bible, are available to you at no cost because of His great sacrifice ( Colossians 1:14, John 1:12, Romans 8:16-17, 1 John 5:12-13 ). God’s gracious love is free.


Now the choice is yours.

What Will You Do?


What’s your response to this conversation, this story of grace?


When you accept the gift and when you accept that Jesus took the sin punishment for you, we learn that “to all who believed him and accepted him, he gave the right to become children of God” ( John 1:12 ). God welcomes you into the family once and for all.


You can accept this free gift right now.

It is as easy as talking like this to God


God, I know that I’m not perfect. I know that I get it wrong a lot, but I now see that you love me anyway. You love me so much that you don’t want me to stay the way I am. You want me to be part of your family. Since I can’t change on my own, you sent Jesus to live, die, and rise again for me. I accept that gift. I want that space between us removed. I want to know your love. Jesus will you be my Savior? (Romans 10:9)

That’s It!


You are a part of God’s family.


No more separation!

What’s Next?


We are so excited for you! If you have accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior, you are now officially a child of God and have been made new. Your old sinful self has been forgiven, and you are now free to flourish in your new relationship with God. To help you grow in your faith, we would like to suggest a few ways to equip you for your journey with Him.




Do life with others through attending church services and being a part of a small group. Find out more here.



Understanding who He is and living in all that God has for you is critical to your Christian walk. We would suggest to live a consistent lifestyle of reading the Bible and praying. Jesus also tells us to let the world know what has happened on the inside of us by being water baptized. Find out more here.



As Jesus showed us love by serving, He directs us to do the same. There is someone in your world that needs to hear about Him. Find out more here.

We’re Here For You


God never made us to do life alone.


If there is any more that we can do to help you begin your faith journey or you would like to share what God has done in your life, please feel free to contact us.


Email: info@healingplacechurch.org
Phone: (225) 753-2273
Messenger: Facebook

Do You Ever Wonder …


What’s The Point Of All Of This?


Needless to say, there’s a lot of input on the matter. As humans, we all have this innate, gut notion that knows there is more to life than just merely existing. There’s a longing to be loved, and that’s not an accident. In fact, as you look back at history and other cultures, you find the same longing and all the ways that people try to fill this void.


However, everything is a just band-aid.


We believe that Jesus is the only way to satisfy our desire for acceptance. We get these ideas from the Bible, which we believe is God’s message to hurting humanity. As you read, allow God to open your heart to His amazing offer of love for you.

There’s a Problem

This love that we are uniquely designed for can only come from God, but there’s a problem. God is perfect, and we are definitely not. We try to be good people, but deep down everyone is full of wrong desires and selfish thoughts. How can we measure up to a perfect God? Instantly we recognize there is a dilemma. The Bible describes it like this.


“all have sinned and come short of the glory of God” Romans 3:23


God cannot have sin around Him. Our sin has separated us from the God who loves us so much both now and for all eternity in a place called Hell. We are left in a bleak situation. God requires perfection, and we will never be perfect.


But wait, God has an answer,

Good News, There’s an Answer


The Bible goes on to say, “the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord” ( Romans 6:23 ). To keep living our lives the way we have been will lead to spiritual death and separation from God forever, but that verse also mentioned a gift. Jesus solved our problem in His great love. He closed the gap between Himself and us that was created by our sin. He offered Himself as our answer – a free gift with no strings attached. He didn’t wait for us to get it all together. “God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners” ( Romans 5:8-9 ). Right in the middle of our imperfections and bad choices, Jesus came to earth as a man.


He became well acquainted with the troubles and temptations this world has to offer, and yet He never sinned – not even once. He didn’t stop there – He also laid down His life through death on a cross and rose again after three days to pay the penalty that our sin deserved. He did all the work needed to close the gap between us and God so now that distance disappears. Our search for love is over! The Bible says it like this, “For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life” ( John 3:16 ).


Jesus is our answer!

It’s a Free Gift


Jesus is our answer, and His offer of love and forgiveness is free. In fact, there’s nothing we can bring to the table to earn it. The Bible teaches us that “God saved you by his grace when you believed. And you can’t take credit for this; it is a gift from God. Salvation is not a reward for the good things we have done, so none of us can boast about it” ( Ephesians 2:8-9 ). Grace is good things happening to you that you don’t deserve.


God generously made a way to remove the space that separated us not because we are good, but because He is good. He moved first. His offer of eternal forgiveness and eternal life, along with all of the amazing promises laid out in the Bible, are available to you at no cost because of His great sacrifice ( Colossians 1:14, John 1:12, Romans 8:16-17, 1 John 5:12-13 ). God’s gracious love is free.


Now the choice is yours.

What Will You Do?


What’s your response to this conversation, this story of grace?


When you accept the gift and when you accept that Jesus took the sin punishment for you, we learn that “to all who believed him and accepted him, he gave the right to become children of God” ( John 1:12 ). God welcomes you into the family once and for all.


You can accept this free gift right now.

It is as easy as talking like this to God


God, I know that I’m not perfect. I know that I get it wrong a lot, but I now see that you love me anyway. You love me so much that you don’t want me to stay the way I am. You want me to be part of your family. Since I can’t change on my own, you sent Jesus to live, die, and rise again for me. I accept that gift. I want that space between us removed. I want to know your love. Jesus will you be my Savior? (Romans 10:9)

That’s It!


You are a part of God’s family.


No more separation!

What’s Next?


We are so excited for you! If you have accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior, you are now officially a child of God and have been made new. Your old sinful self has been forgiven, and you are now free to flourish in your new relationship with God. To help you grow in your faith, we would like to suggest a few ways to equip you for your journey with Him.




Do life with others through attending church services and being a part of a small group. Find out more here.



Understanding who He is and living in all that God has for you is critical to your Christian walk. We would suggest to live a consistent lifestyle of reading the Bible and praying. Jesus also tells us to let the world know what has happened on the inside of us by being water baptized. Find out more here.



As Jesus showed us love by serving, He directs us to do the same. There is someone in your world that needs to hear about Him. Find out more here.

We’re Here For You


God never made us to do life alone.


If there is any more that we can do to help you begin your faith journey or you would like to share what God has done in your life, please feel free to contact us.


Email: info@healingplacechurch.org
Phone: (225) 753-2273
Messenger: Facebook