We serve the God of Exceedingly, Abundantly, above!
We serve the God of Exceedingly, Abundantly, above!
We give because God so loved the world that He gave (John 3:16). Since God freely gave His Son, our response is also to give. Your giving helps us to continue to fulfill the mission God has given us to be “a healing place for a hurting world.”
Click below to select your campus and give now. You can also set up recurring giving.
You can give using the tithe envelopes provided in service, or find an envelope at any guest services desk at your local campus.
Make your check out to “Healing Place Church” and mail it to:
through ministries and services
through our international campuses and partnerships with local ministry organizations
through outreach and disaster relief
Giving to Kingdom Builders is simple. The first step is to pray and ask God to give you an amount to commit. There are a variety of opportunities to give, such as weekly church services, online giving, and end-of-the-month Kingdom Builders offerings.
Kingdom Builders is a group of individuals and families who prayerfully commit to giving over and above their tithes. The resources given to Kingdom Builders will first go toward debt reduction of the Healing Place Arena. In addition, a portion of the resources given is distributed around the world to various projects that are reaching people for Jesus. The heart behind Kingdom Builders is to impact eternity for generations to come.
How Do I Give To Kingdom Builders?
Giving to Kingdom Builders is simple. The first step is to pray and ask God to give you an amount to commit. There are a variety of opportunities to give, such as weekly church services, online giving, and end-of-the-month Kingdom Builders offerings.
What Is 3:20 Offering?
3:20 Sunday is a special day each year where we give over and above in an effort to build God’s Kingdom. Inspired by Ephesians 3:20, we believe that through this faith journey, God will do exceedingly, abundantly, above in our communities, our families, and our hearts.
Each year, the projects we are giving toward for 3:20 are released in November and giving is open through the end of January.
Our financial accountability comes through a combined effort of the church board of directors as well as the staff finance team and the lead pastoral staff. They work together to make sure the church takes consistent and honest action with regard to financial decisions. We are also aided by using the professional services of PSK C.P.A. (Arlington, TX) to help ensure compliance with all regulations for IRS and other purposes.
The word tithe comes from the Hebrew word ma’aser (literally, meaning “tenth”). For that reason, we follow Malachi 3:10 and its command to “bring the tithes into the storehouse.” We follow the general guideline of offering 10% of our income to Him.
As followers of Christ, we know that God calls us to be good stewards of everything that He has put into our hands. It is our responsibility to steward God’s money with excellence and generosity. When resources are given by our church family and partners, they are used to reach more people with the Gospel. Romans 10:15 says, “And how will anyone go and tell them without being sent?” Your giving helps to send the Gospel message all over the world!
Also, we are commanded in God’s Word to have a lifestyle of giving (2 Corinthians 9:6-8)! We believe that you can never out-give God! God can be trusted with your tithes (10% of your income) and your offerings. We believe that when you trust God with the first 10%, God will bless the rest. The Bible says in Malachi 3:10, “Bring all the tithes into the storehouse so there will be enough food in my Temple. If you do,” says the Lord of Heaven’s Armies, “I will open the windows of heaven for you. I will pour out a blessing so great you won’t have enough room to take it in! Try it! Put me to the test!”
Our mission at HPC is to be “a healing place for a hurting world”. Gifts given to HPC are used to help us fulfill that mission, both locally and around the world. Each year, an Annual Report is released to show where funds are spent.
Denham Springs
St. Francisville
Dream Center
Denham Springs
St. Francisville
Dream Center
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